New experimental Firmware

We have built new experimental firmware for the tech-savvy users. These are not yet distributed automatically, but should first be tested manually. Important to know, there are 3 new versions. When updating, please do not make any version jumps, but go through them piece by piece. New installations, on the other hand, can start with the latest version.

1. Version 0.9.1-exp (Gluon 2016.2.8)
2. Version 0.10-exp (Gluon 2018.2.3)
3. Version 0.11-exp (Gluon 2019.1)

If you discover an error, or something seems strange to you, please send an email to Please mention which router it is, which firmware you have installed, and if so, which one you had before.

And one last warning that updating a router from a Gluon older than 2016.2.8 to a Gluon version from 2018 can lead to the brick. Be sure to update to our 0.9.1-exp version first.
Here is a quote from the Gluon Docs for the 2018 versions:

This version changes the flash partition layout on some devices (TP-Link CPE/WBS 210/510). To avoid upgrade failures, make sure to upgrade to Gluon 2017.1.8 or the latest Gluon 2016.2.x (unreleased) before installing Gluon 2018.1.